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About Us


Ron Shur, founder of Best Chester County Contractors, has been involved with the internet industry since 1995. He started the National Financial News Service in 1992, reporting mortgage news in newsprint media, i.e. the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, LA Times among 300 others newspapers across the United States. In 1995, he started a sister company called the Financial News Network, which was a mortgage lead generator business. Making him one of the first pioneers in the real time lead generation industry. The timing was perfect because the newspapers realized they must have their print replicated online to stay up to date with the new competitor, the “Internet”. The opportunity Presented itself for the News Service to have consumers enter their contact information to create the “lead”. That data was then immediately forwarded to four mortgage companies at the same time for them to compete for business — that idea caught on! Chances are the home you live in or your parent’s home if purchased or refinanced before 2006 that mortgage was touched by this lead generation business.

In 2006, Ron sold the business and all of the domains to start a new Internet company, eNet Advertising and eNet Web Servoce. He has been dedicated to providing the latest SEO (search engine optimization) techniques and web development methodology to his clients. Ron successfully Trademarked “The Internet Made Easy”.

Once again, he feels the opportunity is right for a new model, as contractors are looking for an alternative source in that space. Over the last decade, 100 plus contractors have used his web service, “eNet” for building their websites and ongoing SEO. The one thing they all have had in common is their desire for increased return on investment from their existing lead generation provider.

Simple, Safe & Save

It is simple, safe, and you will save money! All contractors are verified through our quality control procedures and subject to removal upon legitimate consumer complaints.